semoga taon ni lebih memberikan kebahgiaan buat ko
ceria² dan senyum selalu..
even kite tak serapat dulu
dan sikit konflik between us
(sebab ko ade kawan lain..sob..sob..)
percayalah.. ko tetap kawan terbaik untuk aku..
moga ko sentiasa dilindungi Allah swt
dan persahabatan ini kekal selamanya..
ikhlas :
kay, kayrie & hadif
.: May Our Friendship Last Forever :.

May our friendship last forever;
May I sail upon your sea.
May we go through life together;
May there always be a "we."
May I be your endless sky;
May you breathe my gentle air.
May you never wonder why
Each time you look for me,
I'm there.
May we be for each a smile Like the warm, life-giving sun;
Yet when we're in pain awhile,
May our suffering be one.
May we share our special days,
The happiness of one for two;
And if we must go separate ways,
Let my love remain with you.
(Nicholas Gordon)



♥EeiNz♥ said...

epi besday cik leen ;)

k.ida said...

beday k.ida x de entry khas pong.....